mullenax ranch
We are a family owned and operated regenerative farm and ranch as part of the sustainable agriculture movement, practicing holistic management. Our specialty is Nigerian Dwarf Goats and Miniature LaMancha Goats, both are a miniature breed of dairy goat. We also raise Highland Cattle, along with other heritage livestock on the ranch. Beehives, microgreens and livestock guardian dogs call the ranch home as well.
Originally from Orange and Los Angeles Counties, our 'home base' is currently in Tehachapi, California. We believe a pasture raised animal is a happy, healthy animal.
Regenerative Agriculture in its simplest form to us means putting more into the land than what you take out. Essentially, healing the land through farming. Successful polyculture farms are a 'closed system' but they aren't often profitable and may require an off-farm living or other source of income. We believe in farming not because it makes money but because we believe it's the right thing to do and we desire to do our part in seeing natural spaces thrive hand in hand with agriculture.
If you'd like to learn more about this style of farming, visit our farm website or check out the ultimate gurus who we look up to and respect at Polyface Farms.
We didn't know when we first started goat yoga 6 years ago what an impact the goats would have in the lives of our customers--people dealing with chemo, depression, physical or mental health. People achieving a momentous moment in their life, and those too who were at a low point. Each person's experience has been unique, but with each they generally looked forward to this fun and memorable event, and those customers have made an impact in our lives over this time as well.
How the goats started:
Meeting Snowflake changed everything. She was everything and more and continued to amaze and inspire us every day. Growing up in the city afforded little interaction with goats, and it wasn't until we brought Snowflake to our new-to-us rural property that things really changed and the ranch started to take direction.
She was ringbearer at our wedding. The groom had to hold the bride's champagne so she could hold and snuggle Snowflake during toasts. We added to the herd as the years have passed with each goat having a distinct personality and sweet disposition that claims a special place in our hearts. And much like potato chips, you can't have just one!
Snowflake was one in a million; best friend, family, that bond you maybe see once in a lifetime. She was incredibly smart and perceptive and we are so blessed to have known her and the impact she had on our lives and shaping a very different future than what we imagined! Her departure left a hole in our hearts, but her presence left us with a life that was whole.
Our Goats
Our goats are VERY loved, and their happiness and health is our top priority. While we retain many of our baby goats born on the ranch, some may become available after weaning and making their tour in Goat Yoga (where they learn socialization), if interested in learning more please visit our ranch website.
While we believe in sustainably and humanely raised meat and eat meat in our household, our goats are never eaten and are not ever offered to be rehomed for meat/consumption. Nigerian Dwarves and Miniature LaManchas are classified as dairy goats and now very commonly sought as companion livestock.
All of our goat yoga activities are done to help offset feed and care costs for the animals on the farm and ranch year round. Thank you for helping support our small farm business and allowing us to continue to share our passion for agriculture with others.
-Mullenax Family
Ranch Q + A
Who is 'California Goat Yoga'?
CAGY is a public outreach program by Mullenax Ranch. We are a small family owned and operated working ranch out of Tehachapi, California with mobile goat yoga programs all over the state. Our specialty is Nigerian Dwarf Goats, which are classified as a miniature breed of dairy goat. We started offering goat yoga in June 2018 as a way to help feed and care for the animals after a particularly hard winter on the ranch, along with public interest in meeting our beloved miniature goats. We're a husband and wife team with a dream, living 'off-the-grid' and hoping to preserve the natural landscape the ranch calls home through holistic management. Every public outreach program goes directly back into caring for and providing for the animals. We do goat yoga to help feed our animals and share about agriculture with the community.
Will the goats jump on me/my back?
As we're interested in our goats' long term happiness and success, we train our goats not to jump on people from an early age. Our 'kids' are snugglers, loved to be pet, scratched on the head or shoulders, held and simply like to chill and hang out and do 'goat stuff'. They're not wild and crazy but laid back and relaxed which we think makes for both long term success of positive training behaviors for them as they mature to adults, but a more relaxed yoga setting as well. Photos following the yoga allow for a safer atmosphere to achieve those 'goat on the back' (or other) yoga poses with us able to assist participants to keep things fun and safe!
Do they poop?
In goat yoga we call this a 'blessing' and you must be very fortunate indeed to be one of the lucky ones. We supply yoga mats for complimentary use (or you can use your own), and are ready to clean or swap out a yoga mat if you're the lucky recipient of a 'blessing'. To date, none of our goats have done #1 or #2 actually on anyone, only on a mat, but these are live animals and part of the full 'experience'! But to be fair, as miniatures, they don't do much and what does come out is minimal.
How many goats will be at goat yoga?
We like to have a high goat-to-participant ratio. Because, hey- who doesn't love more goats?! Generally, we try to have one goat to every three people but this will fluctuate with a variety of factors centered around the health, happiness and well-being of our goats.
How many goats are on the ranch?
Our numbers are always changing given the year and circumstances between 30 - 70 miniature goats. Yes, each one has a name, they're all family and all cherished and loved dearly. Our 'little' goat herd keeps our ranch in tip top fire prevention form and often shows up at the front door asking for treats.
What happens to the goats 'after goat yoga'?
They live out happy, healthy lives doing goat stuff. We have enough space to house all of them on the ranch their entire lives (and the goat yoga is what helps feed all of them). Some go on to other families as pets/companions who help mow the lawn in addition to being lifelong friends along with homesteaders and other goat owners. None of our goats go on to become meat/eaten, they are definitely family.
What other animals are on the ranch?
Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGD) help guard the goats along with heritage poultry and waterfowl, Red Wattle heritage hogs, along with registered Highland cattle (the fluffy red ones). Some days it feels like a zoo, but most days the organized chaos is like any other family --ours is mostly just covered in fur!
How did we start with goats?
We brought our first goat, Snowflake, home and she was absolutely amazing. She was also ringbearer in our wedding and remains my [goat lady here, Hi!] best friend. Living in our house the first few months, the deal we made as newly married husband and wife was Snowflake would go to the barn to live if I [goat lady] was allowed to get a few more goats. This was in 2016, so you can see how quickly that escalated! But in all honesty, our herd of miniatures still feels like the equivalent of a dozen full size goats. They've been such a blessing and are meaningful to our family and all their new friends in so many ways. We had no idea what an impact the goats would have on our lives, and all the strangers-soon-to-be-friends we've crossed paths with through goat yoga and other outreach activities. You never know what someone has going on in their lives, we all have something we're going through and our own challenges. Goats just seem to sorta make it all better, they have some of the sweetest souls and the calm, loving energy they radiate really lends itself to the human spirit in my [goat lady] opinion!
Where is the ranch located?
Our current home is in Tehachapi, California - A mountain community known for wind turbines, the Tehachapi Loop ( world renown train loop) and small town atmosphere and mountain living. Also one of those few places in California to receive snow!
Can we visit the ranch?
We're not open to the public yet, but join our email list for notification of when we open our doors to the public!